Operation: Loyal Serpent is Saskatchewan's premier Airsoft Event. Airsofter's will test their physical and mental strength within a mock combat environment. Missions have been created to generate an exciting competition on the playing field. Adrenaline seekers will follow orders and develop a sense of teamwork in this objective driven event.
To be announced . . .
We endeavour to bring OLS back in 2025.
As many of you may know, OLS no longer has access to Merrill Dunes and we are currently looking for a new location to host this event. As soon as we locate a suitable venue, we will resume hosting OLS. We thank our loyal players for their years of support. Check back here regularly for updates.
The purpose of an After Action Report (AAR) is to analyze the management or response to an incident, exercise or event by identifying strengths to be maintained and built upon, as well as identifying potential areas of improvement. An ARR provides analysis for lessons learned, best practices and recommendations for future planning, training, and exercise development.
Op Loyal Serpent is a semi-auto fire only event, with the exception of LMG's. However, no LMG's are allowed at night. The Night Op is 100% semi auto fire and players will have to utilize a weapon that will shoot semi-auto.
Review the rules before you get to the event.
Light Machine Gun (LMG):
OLS is a semi-auto fire event, with the exception of the LMG. LMG users must use squad weapons that have a real-world equivalent (e.g., M249, RPK, MG36, M60, etc.). LMG's must have a bi-pod affixed to the weapon. Maximum 3000 rounds. Players will not use an LMG in CQB situations. Upon entering a building, the LMG user must switch to semi-auto only or transition to a pistol. LMG users may engage targets outside of a secured building, as long as the gunner is positioned so that the barrel passes the threshold of the window, door, or opening. Absolutely no full auto fire during night op regardless of LMG rules.
The consumption of Drugs and Alcohol will not be tolerated at Op: Loyal Serpent. The consumption of cannabis and alcohol has been directly related to un-sportsmanship like behaviour, therefore we are going to be pre-emptive. RCMP will be making patrols of the parking lot and camping areas and tickets will be issued. Organizers will be removing intoxicated players from the field. Players involved in altercations and found to be under the influence of alcohol and/or cannabis will be banned from future events.
Loyal Serpent is 100% UHF/VHF communications. Game organizers will not be issuing FMRS radio channels. Players choosing to operate FMRS radios may do so but event staff will not be entertaining complaints about interference. UHF/VHF portable radios offer far greater range and more frequencies. This will hopefully allow teams and squads to communicate without interference from the opposing team.
Players will have taped armbands on both arms. Hopefully this will help elevate concerns about team affiliation. We have decided not impose a camo restriction for our Op. Example; Tan vs Green. We have been to several events that impose a camo restriction and have found it does not fix the problem of identifying your foe. In low light conditions it is impossible to determine what color camo another player is wearing. Everybody looks like a dark silhouette. In addition, there are players who can't afford to have two separate gear/camo load outs.
No furry costumes, superhero costumes or fantasy costumes! Emulate a real world load out.
Operation:Loyal Serpent utilizes a military style command structure.
We are always looking for veteran players to enlist as Section Leaders. As a Section Leader you agree to take on responsibilities for a 5-6 player section. You will be responsible to maintain unity within your section. Section Leaders are expected to maintain communication with other sections and follow orders given by your commanding officers. We appreciate the effort.
In 2017 we introduced the 'Embedded Admin', and feel it was very successful. Therefore, the Embedded Admin will be in play again this year. The reason for the Embedded Admin is that there are a limited number of Game Staff and they aren't able to be everywhere. In the spirit of keeping the game as safe and fair as possible we decided to introduce this role. The Embedded Admins will be players, within the game, tasked with ensuring that safety and rules are being adhered to. They will address infractions they observe and bring issues to the attention of Game Staff. The Embedded Admin does not have the authority to eject another player from the game but should be given the same respect as any Field Marshal. Embedded Admins will be clearly identified. Players wishing to volunteer for the duties should be an experienced player, mature and diplomatic in nature. If you are interested in this duty, kindly email us.
Camping: There will be free on-site camping and campers may arrive anytime after 5:30pm on Saturday. Unfortunately the gates will not open before 5:30pm. There is a fair amount of space and we have never run out, but it is first come first serve. There will be porta-potties, running water for washing up, and lighting. Bring potable water (drinking water). Staff will be on site to direct you.
Players wishing a more luxurious camping experience may consider Pike Lake Provincial Park: Pike Lake is a beautiful full service Provincial Park 21km (19 minutes) from Merrill Dunes. The park includes a waterpark, beach, nature trail system, golf course, miniature golf course, cabins, and a large campground.